Wednesday, July 11, 2012

Survival 101: What movies Can Teach You About Surviving the Upcoming Zombie Apocalypse

Currently, the world is dealing with unrest in the middle-east, global warming, continuous wars on terror and against African dictators, and now the Zombie Apocalypse. Sure, the last is fiction, but with cannibalism on the rise, there are those who truly believe that the end of the world will be caused by the living dead, not meteors, an ice age or nuclear war. All I have to say is what a bunch of fucking idiots. First off, the simple fact that people believe the Mayan calendar really provided the date that the world is ending is confusing since they were essentially wiped out themselves. I they were so all-seeing, why didn’t they see the Spanish coming? Second, if zombies exist then so do Vampires, werewolves, the Swamp thing, the boogie man, and Frankenstein... 
Ok, actually maybe there has been one zombie to exist. As Kenny Powers said, "There have been many great comebacks throughout history. Jesus was dead but then came back as an all-powerful god zombie."
Either way, I think the zombie craze is fucking hilarious. This most recent trend of zombie nation started with the situation in Miami, when a homeless man who was believed to be under the influence of bath salts was eating another man’s face like it was In N’ Out burger. This is disturbing, and eventually the man had to be shot due to his inability to stop eating it when the police told him to. While the victim’s face was essentially lost, I think that the aftermath was just as disturbing. People actually thought they would be attacked by zombies. 
On yahoo finance yesterday, there was an article about natty Bo loving Maryland natives who are making a killing putting together a zombie race. Just to clarify, it’s an obstacle course that requires you to avoid zombies. George Romero would be so proud. For $25, you can dress up as the living dead, including getting zombified by a make-up artist, and pretend you are a zombie slowly lurching your way to the runners. For $87, you get to run away from these fake zombies as if you were in a good old apocalyptic horror romp. Plus, you get a free beer even though I was not aware that zombies drank until I read this article.
Also, for those avid Tosh.O fans, a few weeks ago he aired one funny fucking zombie video. It involved some kid running around the hood in Miami dressed like a zombie. If you check out the video below, it seems like the real victim ended up being the zombie since, if you look at the video and freeze it at 1:16, a man pulls out a gun and at the end he almost gets the shit knocked out of him. If you keep watching (sorry the visual is so poor), you'll find out that all went well and in fact they provided this individual some old fashioned crack rock since zombies also drink beers and smoke the rock. Well, if there is a zombie attack, I’m staying urban.
So essentially, I thought it would be great to list some great zombie flicks to get everyone in the mood, because if there is a real zombocalipse, you can learn how to avoid death from watching these flicks. Or, honestly, you might not learn anything since zombies don't exist, never have, and thus no one has any clue on how to deal with them (except Haitians and they're not talking). For all we know, they might suck blood and in order to kill them they might have to be shot by a silver bullet in the heart. Either way, preparation is preparation whether accurate or not, am I right or am I right? 
Night of the Living Dead- George Romero’s black and white zombie thriller is a classic. What can you take from this? Zombies are extremely slow and thus vulnerable to kill with some swift ‘Mac from Always Sunny’ ninja moves. They also despise fires. All you need to do is blind them with a torch and smack them with a hammer. 
 Zombieland- This zombie comedy romp was actually better than expected due to the crazy man himself, Woody Harrelson (Side note: Speaking of Woody, the autopsy came back and the cannibal in Miami only had weed in his system). In order to kill the zombies you need to have a hatred for them, gain enjoyment out of killing them, and a flare for theatrics. You also need to make sure you follow the lists provided by Jesse Eisenberg, because while lame, they might or might not save your life. I especially like the double-tap shot though and it should be implemented when fighting any creature.
 Dance of the Dead- This high school comedy horror is a sleeper classic. It’s fucking hilarious while also containing some solid gore scenes. The best way to mesmerize those without the ability to think is to apparently play rock music since it manages to make them freeze in some sort of zombie trance. Also, you are vulnerable in the bathroom (a rule from ZOMBIELAND too). Therefore, you need to rent out Creed for the night because it'll probably set you back a whole $10, not go the bathroom, and when the zombies are in their trance just smack them with a hammer.
Dead Snow- What is worse than zombies? Nazi zombies. This dark comedic flick reminds you to not trip when you're running. Also, if a creepy stranger in the middle of the woods warns you to leave, I would say it is a good idea to leave if for no other reason than to get away from that creep.
 Planet Terror- This portion of the recent Grindhouse collaboration between Q.Tarantino and Roberto Rodriguez is very good. It definitely does the original grindhouse flicks justice by including some raunchy characters, a lack of plot, and some solid action sequences. Also, pending on your zombie type, you can kill them by stabbing them anywhere or you can just get a gun, put it on your leg, and shoot them down like they're ducks on the pond. Helicopter blades also work.
Land of the Dead- Alright, did George Romero make every decent zombie movie? This apocalyptic zombie world revolves around some badasses killing zombies and salvaging whatever they can while the rest of the human population lives walled up in a city to protect themselves. Apparently, after awhile, zombies evolve and start thinking and communicating. Also, a flimsy metal fence and a small moat is not enough to keep millions of zombies at bay. Does anyone see a political correlation between this and US’s border wars?  Also, by souping up a car and calling it Dead Reckoning, you can destroy any zombies that get in your driving lane.
 28 days Later- Ok, there apparently is a breed of fast and powerful blood thirsty zombies. This beautifully created flick directed by the guy who would go on to direct SLUMDOG MILLIONAIRE  shows that apparently when you become one with your surroundings, you can move around without being noticed and avoid zombies. Yea, I don’t really understand what happened during that end segment either. The confusion gives me the rage.

I Am Legend- This movie does a good job of portraying the after affects of a zombie apocalypse on NYC; rare animals everywhere, vegetables growing throughout the city, and everything damaged and rusty. That said, it's overall a poor movie. Also, were the creatures in this zombies or vampires? It’s tough to say since they only hunted at night, but were mostly brainless and created by a virus. 
 Dawn of the Dead-Remake- This actually was pretty terrifying, but honestly, you need to know and be comfortable with your surroundings. Sure, you have a shit load of supplies, but there are just way too many variables in a mall. Countless stores where zombies can still be hiding, a lot of doors, and if you eat too many Auntie Anne’s pretzels you won't be able to run away. And please aim for the head when shooting.
 Zombie-This 1979 zombie flick gives the hostel films a run for the porn gore title. With an epic cringing eye scene and a lot of detailed zombie feasting, this old school flick will make you feel like shit. Also, you know that question of who would win between an alligator and a shark? Well this movie does not answer that question, but it does provide the answer for who would win between a zombie and a shark. Please note that this movie proves that zombies can still hunt in the water. Also, I would avoid an island filled with the living dead, but that’s just me.
 Shaun of the Dead-Not only is this the funniest zombie flick ever created, it might be the best horror comedy ever. This movie teaches you so much. Records do not do too much towards killing zombies and neither do darts. If necessary, the best way to get through a crowd of zombies is walk awkwardly like them and, when considering your destination options, there's nowhere better to hide out than in a pub.
Dawn of the Dead-Original-Even though the whole world knows there's a zombie plague, that doesn't mean you'll be safe.  Eventually, there are just too many zombies who can over take armies. Now, the real question is which presidential candidate, Obama or Romney, would divert money from international wars to domestic safety if the US was experiencing such a situation?
 Cabin in the Woods- This recent campy horror satire was a surprise hit. Apparently zombies, and all other monsters, are controlled by a bunch of humans.  If you see a zombie with a bear trap connected to a chain, I would really prefer to avoid him. Also, if you get a zombie down, you need to completely dismember the shit out of it. Apparently, any part will still move even if not intact to the rest of the body.
 Evil Dead- I guess a lot of the monsters in this are zombies and what better way to kill zombies than to mow them down with a chain saw? Also, why would you listen to tapes about the undead? Seriously?
 Dead Alive- This hokey Peter Jackson flick shows you that a lawnmower can be used as a weapon
 Rec- This freaky panish instant classic proves that if they quarantine your building without caring if anyone is actually in it, then some shit is about to go down. And they'll even do this to the elite press. I would've tried to get up to the roof or stay locked up in my room, but that's neither here nor there. At this point, it might as well be every man for himself. 
The next big name zombie thriller is World War Z, starring Brad Pitt and directed by Marc Forster. They should probably crank this movie out quicker and get it out when the getting is good. Maybe zombies are the new vampires. 
- Kyle

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