Friday, November 18, 2011

SUD of the Week: Ratner's Gay

Hollywood is an industry with a disproportionate population of Jewish people, that’s a known fact. But almost as well known is the fact that it’s a refuge for the LGBT citizens of America, a force so powerful and in such wide-reaching positions of authority and influence in Hollywood that its known as the gay mafia in the Biz.

So it should come as no surprise to Brett Ratner that his comment “rehearsal is for fags” would piss people off and lead to his resignation from the highly-prestigious job of producing the Oscars.

Perhaps people are a bit too easily offended today. Was Brett trying to undermine homosexual and gay rights everywhere with that comment? Trying to say gay people are weak, stupid, lesser? No. He was just using the term in the same way that “dudes” grow up using it, as a synonym for a weakling. A massive debate could be launched about word usage – “Fag” traditionally was a derogatory term for gays; it has more or less transcended that to be more closely-aligned with a weak person. Ratner was in no way referring to gays but the much more mainstream usage of the term meaning “weaklings, fearful people”; therefore, is the usage of a prejudiced term without the intent to insult the people that the world atavistically was used to insult offensive and prejudiced (at least moreso than any other derogatory remarks made on Howard Stern)?  I don’t know, certainly it can be said offense is in the ear of the offended.

But Ratner shoulda known better. For fuck’s sake, remember when Washington Aide David Howard who used the term “niggardly” and then had to resign because of its proximity to the very similar-sounding racist term for black folks?

So the SUD of the week – watch what you say! There is no erase button when the liver camera’s rolling and if you’re a public figure, your every word will be found, sourced, analyzed, and, if it can cause the slightest offense, it will be used to vilify you.

A list of terms that are not meant to offend any group but will easily be interpreted as such:

“That’s so gay”
“Rehearsal’s for fags.”
“Stop being so niggardly with your money.”
“This is because of you people.” (if “you people refers to a group made up mostly of a similar minority)
“Listen to me, boy.”
“That’s retarded.”
“This is a classic tar baby situation.”

And the list goes on. Just remember, America today is the most politically correct society in the history of mankind. Just watch PCU for a glimpse of where we are (that was before political correctness was taken to the absurd heights where it now lies). And maybe people just feign offense so they have something to complain about or a reason to tear you down. Whatever it is, there’s one important thing for a man to remember: Speak as if the words you use will be used against you if you aren’t careful.

- Ryan

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