Friday, July 20, 2012

Skart? A sick Video Showing the Further Blending between Extreme Sports and Art

The thing that extreme sports has that will propel it eventually beyond mainstream sports is the seamless blending of the athletic endeavors with other artforms. It's simply more colorful, more relevant in some ways. Sure more people watch football - now - but as cool culture grows bigger and bigger every year and more and more youths turn to skating, surfing, snowboarding, and as better photogs and builders refine the images put out by these art forms and musicians continue the path of extreme-inspired soundtracks (from Punk to Jack Johnson to what seems to now be a jazz explosion) the same old "guys in tight clothes running around playing with balls without a soundtrack" things will begin to lose their charm and drawing power to the ADD-addled brains of future generations.

This video, therefore, is just another example of how the line between the sports and the lifestyle is blurring. Skate, surf, and snow (and ski and BMX and probably moto x) videos are essentially sick music videos. Some of them have stories and plotpoints but for the most part they're about titillating you with thrilling visuals set to a killer soundtrack. Most of my favorite songs I discovered watching such flicks. And of all the cultures towards which I've been exposed (urban, prep, hipster, Hollywood artist, Hollywood industry, mainstream artistic, and boardsports), the boardsports one feels the most genuine. Sure there are poseurs out there, and there's a growing plastic movement especially in the surf community (to be expected in anything that revolves around the beach - from L.A. to Miami, douchebaggery seems to increase the closer to the beach one is in mainland American cities) but the ones really out there doing work are living on that adrenaline rush and, even more, the feeling of small accomplishments which they don't need other people to validate; that is, they don't need to win a game on national TV followed by a night out at the club drinking Cristal to feel like a winner. They just need a little cement, some skate skills, some spraypaint to make it colorful, and an experimental jazz guitarist. And the best part is that with these simple supplies and what's essentially just a couple buddies doing something they simply love to do, as well as a couple sick camera wielders, they make one helluva entertaining video, something to shake off the doldrums of the waning week hours and give you, maybe, an idea of something out of the ordinary you could maybe do this weekend - make something with your friends and play with it set to an acoustic guitar plunking.

Classic. Check out BOWL JAZZ here or below. And go do something interesting with your weekend, for fuck's sake.
Happy Friday.

- Ryan

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